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dance with your higher self in 2024! 

a high-vibe fusion of dance and parts work like you’ve never seen before! 

Are you a therapist, coach, medicine facilitator, healer or spaceholder for others' well-being? 


Are you familiar with Internal Family Systems, commonly known as "parts work"?


Do you recognize your protectors and exiles when they are activated? 


Do you know your Higher Self is your best healer, and yet struggle to access it sometimes


Love to dance but don’t find enough time or space for it? 


If you answered yes to a few of those questions... 


I invite you into the sacred container of your dreams where you'll find your body’s moving wisdom and divine, feminine power. 


Access your Higher Self through this cutting-edge technique I created of combining Internal Family Systems (IFS) with dance to find greater clarity, compassion, confidence and connection.


Using this tried and tested technique, you’ll develop a trusting relationship between your Higher Self and your parts, finding transformation at the deepest levels - the heart and the body! 

What previous participants have said: 


"That one session was worth multiple massages and therapy sessions!"


"This work is the antidote to life."


"That session was divine intervention and timing!"


"That was the most embodied I've ever been, except for my two childbirths."


"I kept going in and in and in."

In this program, you can expect 9 months of: 

  • An intimate group limited to 8 carefully selected women

  • 36 hours (12 sessions of 3 hours each) of in-person, curated and facilitated experiences that strengthen the relationship between your Embodied Higher Self and your parts. 

  • Guided warm-ups that loosen up your joints and muscles, prevent injuries and enhance each dance practice. 

  • Time for you to share from the heart, be fully seen, witnessed and celebrated by others who are on the inner journey along with you. 

  • Beautiful environments including sacred spaces in nature and rockin' music playlists created by Ben Homola, the DJ of Brattleboro Conscious Dance. 

  • Guidance using processing and tracking tools such as journaling and mapping your parts. 

  • A private, online group for staying in touch and accountable, and for getting up to date in, in case you miss a session. 


​At the end of 9 months, imagine having greater access to your Higher Self, knowing it has a healthy, trusting relationship with your parts.


Confident in this relationship between your Higher Self and your parts, you can dance to the beat of what this crazy world throws at you.


Dancing will also feel more natural, more expressive and more fun!

This year's program begins March 1st and finishes in late November. 


Option A: All of the experiences and results described above. $1,000

Option B: Everything described above plus 3 private Embodied IFS Coaching sessions to review and integrate your parts mapping and find even deeper transformation and healing. $1,350


Payment plans are available. 


Spread the love! Invite your IFS-informed friends and colleagues and receive $25 for each person accepted. 

Who is the facilitator? 

I’m Leslie Zucker, and I’m passionate about staying healthy, flexible, and strong so that I can use my body for all kinds of good in the world! My primary love languages are words of affirmation and touch, and my Myers Briggs Type is ESTJ. 


I received a master degree from the School for International Training and then lived overseas and worked in International Development for a few decades. Eventually I prioritized inner work, nature, partnership and community, and moved to southern Vermont, got married and gratefully, manifested an incredible life of abundance. 


I’m now a professional life coach, certified by the International Coach Federation, and trained in Internal Family Systems. I am also a published author of a book and a blog about parts work, the co-founder of Brattleboro Conscious Dance and ParaLabs, a collaborative experiment in awakening intentional spiritual community. 


More at


Curious to try it before committing? 

Join me in an experiential session of dance and parts work - an example of the 12 sessions offered in this program. Discover if you feel drawn to this technique for doing your internal healing work in a sacred group context.  See how you like the music and notice how your heart and body respond to the experience.


This experiential session is:  


Sunday, February 4th, 2024: 12-3 PM @ Inner Heat Yoga $50

Reservation and pre-payment is required.


PayPal @ParaLabs-Community

Venmo @ParaLabs-Community


RSVP or questions to or (202) 425 7637

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