women's embodiment programs
I invite you into the sacred container of your dreams where you find your body’s moving wisdom and divine, feminine power. Access your Higher Self through this cutting-edge technique I created of combining Internal Family Systems (aka "parts work") with dance to find greater clarity, compassion, confidence and connection.
Using this tried and tested technique, you’ll develop a trusting relationship between your Higher Self and your parts, finding transformation at the deepest levels - the heart and the body!
women's retreats
Outdoor, natural, stunning beauty.
Communal living, playing, cooking and eating.
Swimming, yoga, dancing, drumming, hiking.
Embodied therapy modalities.
Fireside sharing circles.
On-line community support.
life coaching
Most people experience some doubt and confusion. Some people experience it more frequently than they would like. If that’s you, keep reading.
You ride a wave of ups and downs. You forget your own value and gifts. You stop doing what makes you happy, forget your self-care strategies and get burned out.
You feel like a broken record, reviewing the same unhelpful thoughts over and over. You need someone to process these blocks and emotions with. Someone who is caring, patient, and compassionate and yet skillful at guiding you to a new way. A new version of you.
I blend a style of coaching called “Co-Active” coaching with my knowledge and first-hand experience of Internal Family Systems, Somatic Awareness, Childhood Emotional Neglect, and Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Click here to learn more.

"Leslie is the world’s greatest coach. This may seem like an exaggeration, but in my world, over the past year, this is the truth. My work with Leslie has helped me to realize some pretty big professional goals, particularly around leadership. I can see my power again thanks to her."
Olivia Affuso, PhD, FACSM
Doctor of Epidemiology, Tenured Associate Professor and Researcher of Physical Activity, TEDx/TEDNYC Speaker, and Ultrarunner
spiritual coaching
In my universe, we humans are spiritual beings. We cultivate a relationship to Spirit that expands in mysterious ways and brings us great satisfaction. If that’s you, keep reading.
Spiritual growth opens us up to those things that make our lives fuller and richer, but let’s be clear, that’s not more material stuff or excessive money. Spiritual practice and growth gives life a deeper meaning and strengthens the connection between us and our wise compass inside. Being connected to our wise compass inside, we live a life full of gratitude and giving. With this type of life, we also find greater connection to others and greater acceptance of what is.
My approach to spiritual coaching is a blend Co-Active Coaching, Internal Family Systems and Somatic Awareness. Our conversations will focus on seeking connection, embodiment and manifestation of your inner peace, nature, and Spirit. I am open-minded to whatever your form of Spirit and Spiritual practice is, including plant medicines and psychedelics as a means to achieving wellness and altered states of consciousness.
"I am amazed by what happens in our sessions and how it supports my well-being. Thank you so much for being so committed to me, and life itself! I am deeply nourished and deeply grateful."
Tamreh Herlihy
Multi-disciplinary Explorer and Wellness Coach

connection building, loneliness busting
Isolation, anxiety and loneliness are just as much a threat as Coronavirus and climate change. A lack of connection is a medical danger.
Connection is when you spend time with another person and feel inspired, heard, understood, engaged, relaxed, respected, welcomed, and desired. We want and need to feel ourselves as a positive part of another person’s life, and them a part of ours. To connect to others is a biological need. It ties back to the idea that to be part of a tribe is our survival.
My husband and I are the co-founders of PARALABS - a collaborative community laboratory co-creating experiments in AWAKENing INTENTIONal SPIRITual CommUNITY.
We offer workshops and a private network that build our skills of personal and relational awareness and real-time, authentic relating. The results? Lasting connections across borders, boundaries, ages and colors.
Join us, it's free (for right now) and easy! www.ParaLabs.net
"Leslie is an amazing facilitator - full of grace and ease, relatable, sincere, thoughtful and thought provoking. She brings a group to life and challenges them to explore unchartered territory."
Marsha Acker,
Founder of Team Catapult, Leadership & Team Coach